
Women Soaring Into Transportation and Mobility

Over the past few years, the number of women entering the transportation industry has continued to increase. Thanks to improved awareness of the potential career opportunities available to women within this industry, interest has continued to grow as women see the benefits a career in transportation could offer them. Today we’re going to look at the reasons behind the spike of women entering the transportation industry to celebrate their role within the sector.

No Longer Just a “Man’s World”

For many years, the transportation industry, as with many other industries such as engineering and construction, was often considered no place for women to work. As gender equality continues to improve, women have become more represented within these fields. Industry leaders have put time and resources into understanding the representation of women within their sector and have worked to challenge the issues that have previously driven women away. As with many other industries, the transportation sector has struggled in the past to offer equal pay and flexible working arrangements for women.  However, the improved equality within the workforce in recent 

years has piqued the interest of women around the world who are interested in a career within transportation.

While long-haul driving jobs involve a lot of physical and mental stress, recent changes within the industry have encouraged more females to take on roles in transportation. The increased awareness of the industry has also showcased to women that there are far more roles available to them than just driving a truck. With organizations such as Women in Trucking encouraging women across the country to enter the industry, they are finally getting the support and encouragement they need to take this career path.


The Variety of Roles Available to Women

When you think of the transportation industry, driving a huge truck often springs to mind. However, that’s far from the only role available to women today. The increased awareness of the variety of jobs available in the transportation industry is one of the reasons we are now seeing more women enter the workforce than ever before. While driving jobs are certainly available to women, there are also jobs within management offices that are appealing to women who enter the industry from another sector. The fast pace and challenges that are associated with the industry are appealing to many women who are looking for a new role to further their career.

There are also plenty of opportunities for career progression within these offices, with more women than ever before taking management roles within the industry. As women are becoming more represented throughout the industry, this encourages fleets to create new initiatives to hire women and improve their gender ratio. Companies who visit school career days and job fairs help to improve awareness about the roles available to women, increasing the number of female applicants. Many companies are also offering career development services to their teams, which encourage women to follow their dreams for their career path. This openness towards women in the industry is one of the biggest reasons for the increasing number of women entering the industry, as they see it’s a sector they could flourish in just as well as any other job in the country.

An Exciting Career Opportunity

For women who have spent the majority of their career so far behind the same desk and working for the same company, they often reach a day where they decide it’s time for a new challenge. Working in the transportation industry means you’ll never have two days that are exactly the same, and in our everchanging world, that’s something that’s appealing to many workers today. With more women today working to support their families, they are still looking to find a job role that will offer them a personal challenge that pushes them further in their life. Whether women enter the industry as a driver or in a support role, they enjoy the challenge the industry presents to them as well as the opportunity to work and interact with new people each day.


Increase in Women in Mobility Since 2018

Increased Support for Women

With the increasing number of women working in transportation roles, women are finding they have more support whether they are on the road or in an office. Having other colleagues they can lean on, whether male or female, helps to make the challenging days on the road more bearable. Non-profit organizations, such as Women in Trucking, help to promote their accomplishments and reduce the obstacles of entering the industry. With the number of driving vacancies continuing to skyrocket as drivers retire or move into other roles, there are plenty of opportunities for women looking to find a new career path this year.

On top of that, the improved technology we have at our fingertips helps women to feel more connected when on the road. Whether that’s talking to their family back home or receiving immediate support from their company or colleagues, even working alone is more enjoyable than ever before. The reassurance for women that they can receive quick assistance through a service such as Eemerg Roadside Assistance makes them feel more secure and supported wherever they are in the country. In the past, this technology wasn’t available, but women today feel supported from the day they enter the industry and as they progress throughout their careers.

The number of vacancies within the transportation industry has been at an all-time high in recent years, opening up more roles and opportunities for women. With increased support and a wide variety of job roles on offer, women are seeing the advantages of working within such a fast-paced and exciting sector. With more women holding management roles today, women feel they are represented at every level in a company. Companies that encourage female applicants and help guide them through their desired career paths are increasing in number, which promotes retention throughout the industry. Whether you are considering entering the transportation industry or have recently started a new role, we hope to see more and more women entering the workforce and experiencing the excitement of the industry over the upcoming years.

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